Why We Ride: A Poetry Film by Young Cyclists
Funded by Cambridge City Council, Page to Performance poets Inja and Hollie worked with local filmmaker Skue and a group of young writers to produce this film with the aim of encouraging more young people to take up outdoor activities, as well as to express why those young people involve love cycling, boarding or scooting.
Funded by Cambridge City Council Cycling and Walking Promotion Grants
Created by Page to Performance Poetry – pagetoperformance.org
Led by Inja and Hollie McNish
Film by Skue
Thanks to Billys Bike and Skate Store – billys.co.uk
Impington Village College,
Amy Wormald
and to all of the young people involved, most importantly to Keoghne, Floris, Jaya, Alex, Matt, Ed, Maisie, Nikki, Tom, Lewis, Amy, Emma & Izzy.
For more information about cycling and skating in Cambridge and the UK please visit: